Lesley Powell CEUS! California NHAP & NAB/NCERS Approved CE Provider!
Lesley Powell CEUS! California NHAP & NAB/NCERS Approved CE Provider! California LNHA's must complete at least 10 CE "P" credit hours on aging! What is a "P" credit? [...]
Lesley Powell CEUS! California NHAP & NAB/NCERS Approved CE Provider! California LNHA's must complete at least 10 CE "P" credit hours on aging! What is a "P" credit? [...]
AIT without Lesley Powell's Administrator In Training! CMS are working very hard to make the most recent changes to the SOM. Content from the old regulations has been [...]
The Black Hole that hackers hate - but firewalls love. According to ABC News, Healthcare is the number one most targeted industry by cyber-attacks. Wanna Cry is the [...]
A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. -John Maxwell Revisions to Administration F490 SOM / OBRA. In November 2016 much [...]
The mega-rule updates for AIT’s taking the NAB exam starting in July 2017 is causing much stress to many individuals. The regulations have been reorganized, revised and new laws added. [...]
The latest update for the new NAB exam is the time line. The first date available to register for the new NAB exam is July 1st, 2017. The last day [...]
Thank you Social Services for all that you do! A copy of the transfer or discharge notice given to the resident must also be sent to a representative [...]
The CDC is a site that all healthcare workers should visit. Healthcare is such a big beautiful melting pot of many different cultures from all around the world. That being [...]
Surveyors are now being very careful to only give facts during the survey process and/or exit. They aren’t allowed to make general statements such as “overall the facility is good”. [...]
The most recent OBRA updates in November were substantial. Content has been completely re-arranged in presentation, lots of new changes and even some completely new tags. We could see most [...]