Our Commitment To You
Why Choose Us
Our AIT’s Pass the FIRST time!
Call (818) 882-8188 to enroll!
The #1 Nursing Home Administrator Exam Prep Course in the country! We are the ONLY prep course that offers:
Weekly Homework Assignments
Weekly quizzing sessions (MOCK EXAMS) regularly testing your knowledge
A Live person to answer your calls/questions M-F
We literally “coach” you through the process
A credible & reliable resource. our PASS RATE IS EXCELLENT! Read our client Testimonials
We are the ONLY prep course who’s materials are written by a 5-Star, LNHA, NAB & NHAP CEU Provider. A HUGE advantage in passing your exams!
Assisting AIT’s with severe test anxiety and/or learning challenges
No online practice exams. We are a HANDS ON prep course. We answer your questions and work with you ONE-ON-ONE every step of the way until you take your exams!
But don’t take our word for it! Read our testimonials which can all be VERIFIED to be real people by a simple online search. Note: While you can research to confirm testimonials are from real AIT’s, now LNHA’s who took our prep course, we ask that you do not contact anyone at their facilities/place of employment. Thank you.
Proudly Assisting AIT’s to
Pass in all 50 States for 16 years!

We are so confident in our prep course, that if you work our program and fail, we will provide you extra time NO CHARGE. To our knowledge, no other AIT Course makes this bold statement. Our pass rate is EXCELLENT!
Lesley Powell’s Administrator In Training is a brand based on trust, integrity, character, reputation, unparalleled experience, knowledge & RESULTS.
We also offer CEUs needed to renew your NHA license.
This program is approved by the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards. For additional information, contact NAB at 1444 I St., NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005-2210, (202)712-9040, or www.nabweb.org.
WARNING! These days ANYONE can put up a website. But ask yourself, WHO is writing the materials you are purchasing? Are they a currently Licensed NHA? Are they reputable?
“Free” or “inexpensive” on-line practice exams are NOT a substitute for a structured course, weekly homework assignments, telephone weekly quizzing sessions and one-on-one competent support system. While some are wishing you “good luck” on your exams, we are PREPARING you to PASS your exams. When it comes to passing your NHA CA State and NAB/National (Core & Line of Service) Exams, there is no such thing as luck. You need to be PREPARED.
Be Prepared!
“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity” – Darrel Royal
We reserve the right to refuse service.
ONLINE CEUs Exclusively for Licensed Nursing Home Administrators https://lesleypowellceus.com/
- Unlimited ONLINE Continuing Education for only $99.99.
- Receive ALL CA NHAP required 40 credit hours in only 4 courses.
- All CE courses are created by Lesley Powell, a 5 star LNHA, Industry leader, NAB/NCERS & CA NHAP Approved CE Provider.
- Unlimited, most credits per course, quick, easy, usable & best price!
- More NAB/NCERS Approved CE’s coming soon!