Phase II Effective November 28th, 2017! Are you ready?
New SOM/OBRA Regulations with new tag numbers from 540-949 to be implemented by November 28th, 2017, Phase 2. We’ve been in the throes of final rule CMS regulatory changes that started in November 2016 and will continue through not just Phase 2, but also Phase 3 to be implemented by November 28th, 2019. AIT’s who took the NAB exam prior to June 2017, prepared with different material than AIT’s who took the newly structured NAB Exam as of July 2017. Currently, the process and material is different for AIT’s who will be taking the NAB exam now and in the future.
What exactly is different about the new SOM/OBRA regulations effective November 28th, 2017 Phase 2?
Keep in mind the CMS new approach is patient care over paperwork and they don’t want to micromanage us but give us freedom to create the specific needs for our residents. This is what the facility wide assessment is all about. You will see many changes to the regulations that are all about customizing for each resident. Often, where there was a dictate is now referred to as “per each patient preference”. The verbiage gives facilities more freedom to meet the needs of their residents. With all of this being said, if you don’t know what you’re doing, it’s like finding a needle in a haystack. Regulations are broken up and/or combined in a whole new way. There is more elaboration, new ways of saying the same thing, better ways of saying the same thing, and new regulations all together. The learning continues!
What do the new SOM/OBRA regulations effective November 28th, 2017 Phase 2 mean to AIT’s taking the NAB exam?
Everything! All new Ftags! Not some, not half, all of them! In the 10 years we’ve been assisting AIT’s to pass their exams, I’ve never seen regulatory changes so extensive, on going and fast paced. AIT’s need help navigating the preparation process for the NAB exam more than ever. This is what we do. I can’t imagine trying to prep for this exam on my own as a new AIT. Our AIT’s are passing! For more information, please call our office at 818-882-8188 or go to https://administratorintraining.com/