The Survey and Enforcement Process revisions are extensive. They’ve basically removed the grace from the process. A facility is either in substantial compliance or not. The degrees of “or not” are itemized into a couple of categories. If you are not in substantial compliance , then you are in one of the few very clearly defined and very few grey zones of “non-compliance”. 

What is the general point in the survey and enforcement process updates?

There is no more wiggle room or time in removing non-compliance deficiencies. There is also not as much room in the definition of substandard quality of care. Anything above a Level 1 or Level A is SQOC. Previously, most facilities found themselves on Level 2 of the deficiency matrix therefore, still in substantial compliance. Level 2 is now SQOC, which means a facility has to actually BE in compliance rather than most commonly referring to an in-service training to fix the deficient practice. In-service training has a brand new definition of who should be doing the actual training which supports and is supported by all of the Phase 3 training requirements in the federal regulations. The enforcement process and remedies have been greatly revised. The list goes on and on.

How can an AIT be prepared for the NAB & NHAP Exam survey and enforcement process updates?

Go to or call 818-882-8188. We’ve been successfully and strategically navigating AIT’s through the many transition periods in between the various updates since 2017. We have been surfing the waves of healthcare in preparing our AIT’s for the NAB and NHAP exam for 12 plus years. It’s what we do. We look forward to simplifying the process and assisting you to pass your exams with confidence but also equally important the ability to navigate your own way as a licensed nursing home administrator.