By popular demand Lesley Powell now offers
12 Months UNLIMITED CEUs ONLINE for only $99.99!
A NAB/NCERS & NHAP Approved Trusted CE Provider for
Licensed Nursing Home Administrators!
Lesley Powell & Associates, LLC is approved by the National Association of Long Term Care Administrator Boards.
For additional information, contact NAB at 1120 20th St., NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20036, (202)712-9040, or
Serving LNHA’s only.
Efficient, Reputable & Unbeatable Price!
“I think Lesley Powell’s CEU website is a tremendous resource to California nursing home administrators! Like her AIT course, Lesley has removed guesswork about what is required to maintain licensure and provides a one-stop-shop at an affordable price! I don’t have to worry about taking a number of one credit hour NHAP-approved CEUs or attending conferences at significant monetary and time costs. Lesley Powell’s CEU website makes this process understandable, efficient, and the material is current and relevant. The courses provide the opportunity to earn at least 10 P credit hours of the 40 required, and the CEU certificates are available upon completion. I’m so grateful for this incredible resource, but more so the commitment, dedication and compassion that Lesley and Patricia have shown me through the AIT process and beyond.”
Katherine Kennedy, LNHA, MSG
Graduate Assistant and PhD Student at Miami University
Scripps Gerontology Center